SolidCAM為CAD/CAM整合軟體領導者,無縫整合於SolidWorks及Autodesk Inventor介面,iMachining解決方案為SolidCAM獨家專利,SolidCAM & iMachining解決方案,可發揮令人難以置信的自動化設定,協助CNC機台於安全負荷範圍內發揮最大效率,已幫助全球使用SolidCAM的客戶創造更高的利潤及成功!
SolidCAM iMachining & Sim. 5X-Milling of a Car Model
Advanced Mill-Turn Part made of C45 steel machined on a OKUMA Multus BII series CNC-center- Programmed with SolidCAM Mill-Turn and the unique iMachining Strategy that reduces cycle times up to 70 % and more
iMachining LIVE Demo-Part from PRODEX 2014 exhibition in Switzerland
This SolidCAM & iMachining Demo-part made of Steel 16MnCr5 has been machined LIVE at the METAV 2014 exhibition in Duesseldorf, Germany. The G-code has been generated completely with SolidCAM & the revolutionary iMachining Technology and shows the incredible speed that can be achieved with a perfect combination of CAM-System, Tools and CNC-Machine. This part has been machined on a MÜGA R4530 Milling center.
SolidCAM Mill-Turn DMG
This video demonstrates SolidCAM iMachining's 3D capabilities. See how a Ski Goggles mold made from 16MnCr5 European Steel (155x100x40 mm) using a Carbide Endmill in approximately 5 minutes. iMachining is revolutionizing the CAM Software industry.