Powerful Roughing & Finishing Tool Paths for 3D Machining

- 3D machining at a very high level of smoothness, efficiency and smart machining.
- SolidCAM's HSR (High Speed Roughing) with HSM (High Speed Machining) module is very powerful and machine shop proven strategy for complex 3D parts, aerospace parts, molds, tools and dies.
- HSR/HSM offers unique machining and linking strategies, and smooths the paths of both cutting moves and retracts to maintain a continuous machine tool motion - an essential requirement for maintaining higher feed rates and eliminating dwelling.
HSR Roughing
HSM Finishing
Parts for Download
HSM Takes 3D Machining to a Higher Level
- SolidCAM's HSM module keeps retracts to high Z levels at a minimum. Angled where possible, smoothed by arcs, retracts do not go any higher than necessary to minimize air cutting and reduce machining time.
- The result of HSM is an efficient and smooth tool path that translates to increased surface quality, less wear on your tools and a longer life for your CNC equipment.
- With demands for ever-shorter lead and production times, lower costs and improved quality, High Speed Machining is a must for today's machine shops.
HSR – High Speed Roughing
SolidCAM HSR provides powerful high-speed roughing strategies including contour, hatch,hybrid rib roughing and rest roughing.
HSM - High Speed Finishing

The HSM module features several enhancements to CAM technology that make high speed operations possible, including avoiding sharp angles in a tool path to ensure that the tool stays in contact with the part as much as possible, and optimizing non-machining moves to reduce air cutting and generate smooth and tangential lead ins and lead outs.
- HSM 3D machining strategies are controlled by specifying the surface slope angle or by specifying themachining boundary. A comprehensive set of boundary creation tools are provided, including Silhouette, Cutter Contact areas, Shallows, theoretical Rest areas, physical Rest areas as well as user-defined boundaries.
- The HSM module is a powerful solution for all users who demand advanced high speed machining capabilities. It can also be used to improve the productivity of older CNC’s with reduced air cutting and the smoothing of arcs to maintain continuous tool motion.
3D Parts Milled with iMachining 3D + HSM